- Real food in supermarkets
- Students can afford to pay rent
- Everyone speaks English
- Not quite as windy as Scotland
- Campus buildings are modern and mold-free
- Thanks to insulation, it's warm indoors
- Living vegetation in the town
- Close to major cities/airports
- Less drunk violence
- Bearable student nightclubs
- Free coffee
- Public transportation is affordable
- Abundance of falafel at 2:30am
- No Irn-Bru or deep fried Mars bars
- Don't have to fear for your life when walking in traffic
- Surprising lack of Finnish people
- Food is expensive
- Beer is expensive
- I can't speak Swedish yet because everyone speaks English
- It rains more than Finland and Scotland combined
- Campus is large and scary
- University libraries close at 7-8pm
- Dependent on the larger cities for certain services
- Everybody is more attractive and better dressed than me
- No tea/bad tea (don't know which one's worse anymore)
- Trains are vulnerable to weather in general
- No-one sells you chips and cheese at 2:30am
- Pub lunch means you can't afford dinner the same evening
- Have to fear for your life around cyclists
- Surprising lack of Finnish people
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